Citation: Koptileuov B, Tokhetova L, Baizhanova B, Bekzhanov S, Nurgaliyev N, and Demesinova A (2024). Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) haymaking timing effects on its yield and quality in Kyzylorda Region, Kazakhstan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 280-291. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.25.
In the context of marketability, economic value, and agricultural effectiveness to meet the feed demand of animal husbandry, it is necessary to create a solid forage base in the Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan. The thriving solution to increased livestock and animal husbandry productivity in ecological conditions of the Aral Sea region principally depends upon the timely procurement of feed and the establishment of industrial-based feed production. Producing enhanced high-quality feeds can be the outcome of introducing high-yielding varieties, using new resource-saving cultivation and harvesting technologies, organizing optimal cultivation and production processes, and increasing the efficiency of various technical means. Of all the harvested types of feeds, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) has the best effect on increasing the livestock’s milk and meat yield. All farm animals can also consume the green mass of alfalfa much faster. In feeding cattle with alfalfa, its utilization rate is 92.6%. On biochemical composition, alfalfa hay surpasses various other feeds, and 100 kg of alfalfa hay contains 11.6 kg of digestible protein, 1.77 kg of calcium, 0.22 kg of phosphorus, and 4.5 g of carotene. In conditions with rice crop rotation and according to its biological characteristics, alfalfa is indispensable in agrotechnical and reclamation relations, especially in saline soils. The economic value of alfalfa lies in its broad ecological plasticity, high productivity, and ability to grow back quickly after mowing.
Under the environmental conditions of the Kazakhstan Aral Sea region, for the preparation of a highly nutritious alfalfa haylage with a high digestibility, its mowing must be “from the beginning of budding to the beginning of flowering,” in which the duration of mowing should not exceed 10 days with an optimal cut height of 4–6 cm.
Citation: Sadigov RA, Mustafayev MG (2024). Analysis of mountain-forest cinnamon soil types in the basin of the New Shamkirchay Reservoir. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 266-279. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.24.
The analysis of a soil-ecological base commenced on the existing mountain-forest cinnamon soils in the New Shamkirchay Reservoir Basin, which play a vital role in developing the agricultural economy in the Western region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thus, cleaning the area, increasing the fertility of mountain-brown soils, water-retaining capacity, and developing an action plan to ensure better productivity are among the most urgent processes to eliminate water shortages in areas with historical irrigation systems. The presented article discusses the research on the mountain-forest brown soils formed in the Shamkir region territory. This research area’s formation comprised an area of 2,498.43 ha. The current analysis based on the morphological and chemical descriptions with diagnostic indicators of six soil profiles (Sections 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, and 54) progressed during 2018–2021 in the targeted areas. The prime diagnostic indicators studied were humus, total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, granulometric composition (for sand, dust, silt, and clay fractions), soil reaction (pH), carbonate content (CaCO3), and their statistical analysis. Specifications for the six sections of the different soil profiles relied on modern tools through the determination of geographical coordinates. Determining geographical coordinates of soil samples employed the Garmin GPS map 62s. Based on the digital elevation model (DEM file), interpolating the elevation points obtained from topographic maps of previous years resulted in a new digital elevation model with low distortion. Likewise, the study has built a new relief model (in ArcGis 10.3).
Mountain-forest cinnamon is one of the widespread soil types in Azerbaijan. The vital factors of that soil are fertility parameters like humus (%), nitrogen (%), CaCO3 (%), and the sum of absorbed bases (SUB, mg-ekv), which can sustain plant growth and optimize the crop yield in that specified soil. The soil also contains elementary particles of different sizes (1-0.25, 0.25-0.05, 0.05-0.01, 0.01-0.005, 0.005-0.001, <0.001, <0.01 mm, quantity in %). The granulometric composition’s expression of the soil is the percentage of the weight of the arid soil.
Citation: Olzhabayeva AO, Aldambergenova GT, Shegenbayev AT, Budikova KM, Zhussupova LK, Shayanbekova BR (2024). Mineral fertilizers’ influence on rice productivity in saline soils in Kyzylorda Region – Kazakhstan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 258-265. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.23.
The goal-directed study sought to determine the effects of mineral fertilizers on the productivity of two rice cultivars in the Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan. In 2015, with the constant flooding of rice crops, the growing of two rice cultivars (Anait – a Russian breed, and Tugusken – a national breed of Kazakhstan) sustained mineral fertilizers with rates of N120Р90K60. In 2016, the field experiments continued on the norms of mineral fertilizer application. The highest density of rice herbage, tillering, and grain yield were visible on the fields with the rice cultivar Tugusken. In 2015, the low rice yield of 31.34–34.5 t/ha was evident, caused by severe soil salinization and insufficient mineral fertilizers. Therefore, in 2016, the following varied doses of mineral fertilizers gained scrutiny for rice on the degraded site: N120Р90K60, N150Р90K60, and N180Р90K60. Based on the 2016 study results, for rice, the optimal dose of fertilizers N150Р90K60 performed better, and the increased dose of nitrogen (180 kg) did not considerably enhance the rice grain yield (49.2-47.5 = 1.7 t/ha). With enhanced nitrogen dose, the rice growing season also lengthened, causing the appearance of empty grains in panicles.
Based on the study results in 2016, the identified optimal dose of fertilizers was N150Р90K60 for better rice productivity. Increasing the nitrogen dose (180 kg) does not significantly increase the rice grain yield. Even with enhanced nitrogen dose, the rice growing season extended and led to the appearance of empty grains in panicles.
Citation: Sarshayeva M, Tashkenbayeva A, Bilibayeva A, Irsaliyeva Zh, Ustemirova AM (2024). Technological aspects of in vitro propagation of organic strawberries. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 246-257. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.22.
The article showcased experimental data on key stages of the propagation technology of four varieties of an organic strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) planting material in apical meristem culture, using molecular methods of virus identification and chimeras‘ absence, for the creation of central and reproductive mother plantations and accelerated introduction of the world collection‘s best varieties into production. The screening of newly introduced strawberry cultivars for five viruses by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), comprised the strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV), the strawberry crinkle virus (SCV), the strawberry mottle virus (SMV), the strawberry pallidosis-associated virus (SPaV), and the beet pseudo yellows virus (BPYV). The strawberry cultivars were free from any virus infection. At the introduction stage into tissue culture, sterilizing strawberry plants with active chlorine preparations ensued in sodium hypochlorite with different concentrations and exposures. Also, initiating environmentally safe growth regulators, amino acid proline, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and vitamin C-ascorbic acid at a concentration of 10 mg/L into the nutrient medium helped activate regeneration after the introduction of apexes into tissue culture. Plants introduced into in vitro culture attained propagation at a required amount on MS medium containing 1% Eleutherococcus extract instead of cytokinin-6-BAP at the proliferation stage and 1% alcohol extract from the bark of Salix weeping willow instead of auxin-IMC at the rhizogenesis stage. The time of introduction into tissue culture and regeneration helped determine the ascorbic acid effect on the reduction of phenolic oxidation of apexes. The medium induced with amino acid proline and ATP increased regeneration by 10%–15%. The inclusion of Eleutherococca increased the multiplication ratio to 1:3 per one passage with the Salix extract, which increased rhizogenesis by 75%–80%. All the obtained primary strawberry plants incurred testing for chimeras‘ absence using molecular markers.
Organic strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa), clonal micropropagation, in vitro, ex vitro adaptation, polymerase chain reaction, strawberry viruses, chimera
The task sought to study environmentally safe growth regulators of plant nature in the biotechnological recovery process and clonal micropropagation of garden strawberries with the release of organic seedlings tested for the absence of viruses and chimeras. Planting a central nursery with eco-strawberry seedlings targets the production of organic plants, with the subsequent establishment of industrial plantations and organic berries manufacture.
Citation: Lal K, Jatoi WA, Memon S, Jatoi IA, Rind SN, Rajput L, Khan NM, Khaskhali IA, Depar MS, Lund MI, Kaleri MH, Sarwar MKS (2024). Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) drought tolerance indices under water stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 232-245. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.21.
Ten wheat varieties, Benazir, Hamal Fakir, TD-I, NIA Sunder, TJ-83, Marvi-2000, NIA Amber, Sarsabz, Kiran-95, and Imdad-05, sown in split-plot design (SPD) with three replications, underwent well-watered and water-stress influences at the time of anthesis, at the Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, during 2022–2023. The observed traits included days to 1st booting, days to 90% heading, days to 90% maturity, peduncle length (cm), plant height (cm), tillers plant-1, spike length (cm), spikelets spike-1, grains spike-1, seed index (1000-grain weight, g), grain yield plant-1 (g), biological yield plant-1 (g), and harvest index (%). Based on drought tolerance indices, the result demonstrated that genotypes, treatments, and genotypes ×treatments significantly affected yield and its contributing traits. The genotypes, such as Imdad-05, NIA Amber, and TD-1, considerably exhibited drought tolerance, whereas Marvi-2000 and Kiran-95 were susceptible. The grain yield expressed positive and significant association toward other traits, such as days to 1st booting, days to 90% heading, days to 90% maturity, peduncle length, plant height, tillers plant-1, spike length, spikelets spike-1, grains spike-1, seed index grain weight, grain yield plant-1, biological yield plant-1, and harvest index. Seven indices calculated grain yield in Yp and Ys appeared significantly and positively associated with the first three components mentioned at about 95.76% of the total variability and directly connected with the STI, GMP, TOL, and MP, namely, Imdad-05, NIA Sunder, and TD-1 considered as highly drought-tolerant; Marvi-2000 and Benazir, as moderately tolerant, and NIA Amber and Kiran-95 were the susceptible ones.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties, Imdad-05, NIA Sunder, TD-1, and Benazir, proved best performers against drought conditions that could benefit future breeding programs for hybrid crop development.
Citation: Cheema KL, Sardar S, Akhtar M, Mahmood MT, Qadeer Z, Akbar S (2024). Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes’ assessment through diverse environments. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 224-231. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.20.
Screening genotypes based on grain yield stability in different ecological zones is a prerequisite for developing a widely adapted genotype. For this purpose, 16 chickpea desi genotypes’ evaluation through cooperative yield trial commenced during 2019–2020 at nine diversified locations across Punjab, Pakistan. Data underwent genotype by environment interaction (G × E) and mega environment analysis. Genotype plus genotype × environment (GGE) biplot view for yield depicted that G-4 (CH-21/13) was the ideal and superior genotype for stability and yield potential. GGE biplot ‘what-won-where’ for yield formed an irregular polygon showing interconnection among G-3 (CH-2016), G-4 (CH-21/13), G-8 (D-17003), G-11(D-17019), G-13 (TG-1427), G-14 (TG-1430), and G-16 (TG-1510), indicating these genotypes were comparatively more stable. Graphical representation of the mega environment analysis illustrated that E-1 (Pulses Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad, Pakistan) was ideal and most discriminating for genotype screening. Results also revealed that the first mega environment’s construction included the grouping of E-1 (Pulses Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad, Pakistan), E-2 (Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan), E-3 (Gram Breeding Research Station, Kallurkot, Pakistan), and E-4 (Gram Breeding Research Station, Kallurkot, Barani, Pakistan), with G-4 (CH-21/13) as the winning genotype. Biplot also depicted that G-3 (CH-2016) was best in the second mega environment made by E-6 (Regional Agricultural Research Institute, Pakistan), and G-8 (D-17003) was a winner in E-4 (Gram Breeding Research Station, Kallurkot, Barani, Pakistan). Combined analysis showed that G-4 (CH-21/13), G-8 (D-17003), and G-13 (TG-1427) were the most stable and high-yielding; therefore, these genotypes may considerably be widely adaptive across environments.
Chickpea, GGE, stability, high-yielding, mega environment, polygon
The experiment showed that G-4 (CH-21/13) was the ideal and winning genotype across all environments from all genotypes, and E-1 (Pulses Research Institute, Faisalabad) was the ideal and most discriminating environment for screening of genotypes.
Citation: Adiredjo AL, Roviq M, Ardiarini NR, Leorentina AB (2024). Performance of melon (Cucumis melo L.) hybrids across diverse environmental conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 211-223. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.19.
In interaction with the environment, the melon (Cucumis melo L.) hybrids had a wide phenotypic performance regarding growth, morphology, and yield-related parameters. The appraisal of melon genotypes in the targeted environments through multi-environment trials (MET) depended on phenotypic performance. The objectives of the presented study were to evaluate the performance of melon hybrids obtained from full-diallel crosses under three different environmental conditions. The study ran from November 2022 to February 2023 at three locations (Pandaan, Karangploso, and Pujon), with varying altitudes in East Java (Indonesia). The breeding material comprised 38 selected hybrids (out of 90 diallel hybrids), with 10 parents and two commercial check cultivars (Madesta and Glamour), sustained evaluation in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications at each location. Observations made on several yield characteristics of the fruit included weight, diameter, length, flesh thickness, and sweetness. At the Pandaan location, the melon hybrid H 18 performed better for fruit weight, length, and flesh thickness, and the hybrid H 19 for fruit diameter and sweetness than the melon’s check cultivars. In Karangploso location, the hybrid H 10 for fruit weight and diameter, H 34 for fruit length, and H 12 for fruit sweetness outperformed the melon commercial cultivars. At the Pujon location, the hybrid H 34 for fruit weight, diameter, and length, H 6 for fruit flesh thickness, and the hybrid H 32 for fruit sweetness outperformed the check cultivars. Overall, the leading performance across all the test environments appeared with melon hybrid H 15 for fruit weight and length, and H 19 for fruit diameter, flesh thickness, and sweetness.
Melon, Cucumis melo L., genotypes, diallel hybrids, multi-environment trials, phenotypic performance, fruit yield and quality traits
Diverse test environments influenced the performance of melon hybrids. The hybrid H 15 and H 19 were promising for yield and quality-related traits at all three locations.
Citation: Al-Rawi OH, Bedn AA, Hamed MA (2024). Genetic variability and path coefficient analysis for three-way cross in maize. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 204-210. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.18.
A field experiment at the Maize Research Station, General Authority of Agricultural Research in Abu-Ghriab, Iraq, began on six inbred lines of maize (1- UMGW 16, 2- UMGW 4, 3- DAQ, 4- HNG 9, 5- FAR 30, and 6- ABS – 32) as samples to generate 15 F1 single crossings through half-diallel cross. Crossing the parents and single crosses sought to produce 60 three-way cross hybrids. Grown seeds of three-way crosses became specimens to study the most effective traits that could affect the yield and become selective indicators to improve maize grain yield. The experiment proceeded as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The analysis of variance results revealed statistically significant differences among all studied traits. The values of genetic variance were higher than the environmental variance for all studied traits except for plant height. The highest broad-sense heritability (0.956) appeared in grain yield per plant, followed by the days from planting to 50% silking (0.803). A significant positive genetic and phenotypic correlation was apparent between grain yield, 100-grain weight, and the number of grains per row, while a negative genetic correlation between grain yield and the number of days from planting to 50% silking occurred. The path analysis revealed that the number of grains per row has the highest positive direct effect (0.537) and the total of all effects (0.828). The number of grains per row gave the utmost indirect positive influence of 0.259 by the 100-grain weight.
Quantitative inheritance methods contribute to choosing the researcher’s direction toward selection or crossing between genotypes. Correlation and pathway analysis also helped in understanding the appropriate breeding method and which traits directly impact increasing the yield.
Citation: Darmadi AAK, Inabuy FS, Sudirga SK, Ramona Y (2024). Cinnamon species variations for phytochemicals in two diverse habitats of Bali, Indonesia. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 192-203 http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.17.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii Blume) plant leaf extracts contain phytochemicals and have been used as potential biofungicides against plant pathogenic fungi by inhibiting the growth of their colonies, biomass, and spores, both in vitro and ex vivo. This past study demonstrated that cinnamon leaves differed in phytochemical compounds from one habitat to another. Cinnamon leaves from Belok Sidan Village, Petang Subdistrict, contain flavonoids, steroids, phenolics, tannins, and those from Bedugul Village, Baturiti Subdistrict, contain alkaloids, steroids, phenolics, and saponins. The probing study aimed to unveil whether the phytochemical variations in cinnamons are due to biotic and abiotic factors. The cinnamon species’ identification from two distinct habitats engaged two molecular markers, rbcL and mat-K genes. Comparing both habitats’ environmental parameters, i.e., soil, water, minerals, temperature, humidity, wind speed, coordinates, and altitudes, took place. The DNA barcode analysis revealed that the two cinnamon plant types were likely of the same species, namely, Cinnamomum tamala or C. osmophloeum. Soil and climate analyses indicated contrasting conditions between Petang and Bedugul habitats. The C, N, and K contents were higher in the Bedugul soil than in the Belok Sidan. The soil water contents differed in both locations, especially the percentage of dry air (DA) and field capacity (FC). The two sites also differed in temperature, humidity, wind speed, coordinates, and altitude. This study provides solid evidence that environmental factors highly contribute to the phytochemical variations in cinnamon species.
Cinnamon, DNA barcoding, phytochemical diversity, physical factors, soil, species identification
The first reports of Cinnamon species (Cinnamomum tamala and C. osmophloeum) emanated in Bali, Indonesia. Cinnamon plants collected from two distinct locations have different phytochemical compounds. The variations in phytochemical contents have shown influences by environmental factors.
Citation: Maulidha AR, Maharijaya A, Purwito A, Sobir (2024). Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) genotypes and their crossbreds resistance to fusarium wilt disease. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 180-191. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.16.
Shallots are valuable horticultural products consumed worldwide that offer numerous health benefits. Fusarium wilt disease severely limits shallot production, reducing bulb yield by up to 50%; furthermore, wilt disease-resistant shallot cultivars are insufficient. This study confirmed that the ‘Batu Ijo’ cultivar is resistant to Fusarium wilt, with the lowest percentage of affected bulbs (29.5%). In contrast, the cultivar ‘Bima Brebes’ showed the highest incidence of Fusarium infection (41.6%). Neither ‘Batu Ijo’ nor ‘Katumi’ became resistant parents when crossbred with susceptible plants because both failed to bloom until the end of the plant generative stage. Thus, to generate diverse segregating populations, a cross combination derived from ‘Biru Lancor’ (resistant parent) and ‘Bima Brebes’ ensued. The results showed lower values for the number of mature capsules, true seed shallot weight per plant, and seedling vigor were evident in the progenies than in the parental genotypes. These poor crossing results were due to several factors, including an inappropriate photoperiod for the crossbreeding of ‘Bima Brebes’ and ‘Biru Lancor.’ Out of 30, 17 plants showed symptoms of Fusarium wilt disease. Meanwhile, the 13 resistant individuals exhibited similarities with the male parent ‘Biru Lancor’ during ISSR molecular analysis, suggesting that the male parent may play a role in transmitting disease resistance. The selection of parental individuals and crossbreeding factors are crucial for successful shallot crossbreeding. This study bears significant implications for further development of shallot crossbreeding, potentially leading to new disease-resistant cultivars.
Flower-based research plays a vital role in shallot breeding. Fusarium wilt resistance in offspring populations can be a basis for developing new resistant shallot cultivars.