Citation: Asif M, Safdar ME, Akhtar N, Gul S, Javed MA, Raza N, Haq I, Saleem U, Aslam MN (2023). Sulfur application improves the yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 907-916. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.25.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a globally prominent oil seed. Sulfur is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in the growth and development of crop plants. Compared with other crops, oilseed crops require more sulfur for their role in oil biosynthesis and as an essential constituent of amino acids, vitamins, proteins, and enzyme structure. Its deficiency results in poor utilization of NPK and, ultimately, crop reduction in yield and quality. Hence, the study investigated the effect of different levels of sulfur on the harvest and quality attributes of various sunflower hybrids. The experiment comprised four sulfur levels (0, 20, 30, 40, and 50 kg per ha) and four sunflower hybrids coded as C124 × RH344, C112 × RSIN82, C116 × RH344, and C208 × RH445. The recorded data underwent analysis statistically using Fisher’s analysis of variance technique, and treatment means comparison followed Tukey’s honest significant difference test (HSD) at a 5% probability level. The results showed maximum plant height at maturity (75.80 cm), head diameter (17.90 cm), leaf area per plant (2,309.21 mm2), 100-achene weight (10.60 g), achene yield (2,806.61 kg ha-1), harvest index (26.58%), and oil content (48.46%), while minimum days to flower initiation (40.33 days) were evident when sowing hybrid C124 × RH344 with an application of 20 kg per ha sulfur.
The 20 kg per ha application of sulfur performed best among all sulfur levels and hybrid C124 × RH344 gave superior performance among all four sunflower hybrids. Hence, sowing of hybrid C124 × RH344 with 20 kg per ha sulfur combined with recommended NPK (120–60–60 kg ha-1) improved sunflower hybrids’ growth, yield, and quality.
Citation: Ismail EN, Majeed DM, Alagely HS, Abed AS, Hussien GA (2023). Qualitative characteristics and genomic analysis of wheat genotypes in Iraq. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 896-906. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.24.
The breeding material comprising 17 Iraqi wheat cultivars belongs to three different types, i.e., a) salinity-tolerant cultivars (Dajla, Furat, 1H, 2H, 2N, 3H, 3N, and 7H), b) drought-tolerant cultivars (Sham-6 and Orok), and c) local cultivars (Iraq, Iba99, Iba95, Abu Ghraib-3, Adnanin, Tamoze, and Alrashid) underwent qualitative characteristics and genomic analysis studies in 2021-2022, at the Biotechnology Research Center, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq. Measuring the percentage of protein, wet and dry gluten, and molecular fingerprinting used the randomly amplified polymorphic of DNA (RAPD) technique with six primers, with traits estimation using a dendrogram. The highest percentage of protein (24.5%), wet (52.7%), and dry gluten (27.3%) emerged from the wheat genotype Dajla. However, the recorded lowest percentages of wet (32.52%) and dry gluten (7.62%) appeared in wheat genotype Iba99. The cultivars Aadnania, Abu Ghraib-3, and Tamoze gave the lowest protein content of 9.45, 10.34, and 10.54, respectively. The cluster analysis divided 17 wheat genotypes into two large cluster groups. Amplification of all 365 loci used six primers. Fragments‟ size ranged from 100 bp to 2000 kb. The highest number of bands (73) was amplified with primer Pr-5, while the lowest number (48) was with primer Pr-1.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), salinity- and drought-tolerant genotypes, qualitative characteristics, RAPD primers, genomic analysis, cluster analysis, and phylogenetic tree
Out of 17 wheat genotypes, cultivar Dajla showed the best performance by having an outstanding percentage of protein, wet, and dry gluten. The cluster analysis divided 17 wheat genotypes into two large clusters. The most frequent bands were amplified with primer Pr-5, while the lowest was primer Pr-1.
Citation: Kenenbaev SB, Ramazanova SB, Gusev VN (2023). State and prospects of mineral fertilizers use in agriculture of Kazakhstan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 886-895. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.23.
The article is a dedicated analysis of the production and use of mineral fertilizers globally, focusing on the agriculture of Kazakhstan. From 1950 to 2020, the fertilizer use ranged between 3.6–29.0 kg of NPK per hectare in arable agricultural land of Kazakhstan. The maximum benefit of fertilizers happened in 1986 in Kazakhstan, with 1,039 t of mineral fertilizers (active substances) applied at an area of 47% of the total arable land, while in 1965, the fertilized area was only 6.6% of the entire sown field. In Kazakhstan, the annual recommended need for mineral fertilizers is one million tons (active ingredient). The paper also discussed the influence of the long-term application of fertilizers on the leading indicators of soil fertility and crop productivity. Employing regression analysis also explored a high degree of probability of a positive relationship among the four viable factors, i.e., fertilizer use intensity, agrochemical indicators of the soil, crop plants yields, and their quality.
Mineral fertilizers, humus, nutrition elements, agrochemical indicators of the soil, fertilizers’ efficiency, crop productivity
In the agriculture of Kazakhstan, the fertilizer analysis indicates a low level of use. The annual need for mineral fertilizers for the entire sown area of the Republic was 2.5 million t in physical weight (including 1.2, 1.3, and 0.03 million t of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively).
Citation: Ho VT, Nguyen TH, Nguyen LBN, Nguyen TTN, Nguyen MP (2023). Comparison of rbcL and trnH-psbA DNA barcodes in diverse Camellia species collection in Vietnam. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 877-885. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.22.
Camellia is a large genus in the tea family of Theaceae. In this genus, several species serve different purposes, such as, medicinal and ornamental plants and beverage production. Thus, country-wide cultivation of various species of Camellia genus sought to alleviate poverty and promote economic development in many regions. However, studies on evaluating its genetic resources as a foundation for the conservation and development of this plant are yet to start. Currently, using DNA barcoding often serves as a highly reliable approach to identifying and characterizing numerous plants. In the presented study, a total of 10 Camellia accessions collected from Dong Bua village, Tam Quan commune, District Tam Dao, and Vinh Phuc province, Vietnam, underwent study during 2020–2022 at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam. Evaluation of two DNA barcoding regions, namely, rbcL and trnH-psbA, transpired for their ability to distinguish the Camellia accessions belonging to different species in Vietnam. The results revealed a significant difference in the DNA sequences of the rbcL and trnH-psbA regions among the Camellia species. In addition, the trnH-psbA barcode region also showed higher effectiveness versus the rbcL region in recognizing various species of Camellia. The results authenticated the potential of DNA barcoding in the management, conservation, and development of the genetic resources of Camellia in Vietnam.
Camellia species, DNA barcode, identification, rbcL, trnH-psbA
DNA barcodes were found as efficient tools for plant identification; however, the accuracy depends upon the utilized barcode regions. In this study, the trnH-psbA proved superior over rbcL for differentiating Camellia species.
Citation: Bugubaeva A, Kuprijanov A, Chashkov V, Kuanyshbaev S, Valiev K, Mamikhin S, Shcheglov A, Nugmanov A, Bulaev A, Sultangazina G, Kunanbayev K, Chernyavskaya O, Baubekova G, Ruchkina G, Safronova O, Uxikbayeva M, Sokharev Y (2023). Productivity assessment of various plant communities at uranium mine sites in Central Kazakhstan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 864-876. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.21.
Examining the overgrowth of dumps, techno-soils, and areas containing waste products of uranium mines is vital for understanding the dynamic features of vegetation cover in technogenic landscapes. The main aim of this study was to investigate variations in the plant species composition and their productivity in dumps and technological areas and the intensity of soil ionizing radiations under varying environmental conditions based on the Shantobe Uranium Deposit, Kazakhstan. The vegetation at the waste dumps and technogenic sites is in the early stages of syngenesis and is representative of pioneer and group-thicket communities. Adverse ecological conditions associated with intense sulfate salinization formation thrive at the technological sites. However, the floristic composition is illustrative of highly resistant species (Calamagrostis epigejos and Phragmites australis) and secondary species. Typically the formation of steppe zone plant communities of Kazakhstan does not occur in these sites. The productivity of the recultivated dump and banks of the former uranium mine is quite high at 120–150 g/m2, which matches the meadow-ruderal communities of Northern Kazakhstan. However, the lowest productivity of 30–37 g/m2 emerged in the non-recultivated and partially processed sulfuric acid heap leaching stacks containing uranium ore, which create exceedingly unfavorable conditions for the establishment of crop plants. Several plant species identified as self-seeding live in partially processed piles of sulfuric acid heap-leaching uranium ores with a sufficient level of resistance to survive in soil with high levels of sulfate-containing salts and ionizing radiation of 1200–1400 μR/hr. These facts can authenticate to consider the possibility of growing these plant species in the artificial grassing of uranium-containing dumps to create herbage.
The presented study identified that several plant species have enough resistance to survive and grow well on sulfuric acid heap-leaching uranium ores and soils with high sulfatecontaining salts and ionizing radiation (1200–1400 μR/hr). It confirms the possibility of using these plant species for artificial grassing in uranium-containing soils to create herbage.
Citation: Kushanova RZh, Baidyussen AA, Sereda GA, Jatayev SA, Sereda TG (2023). Spring barley hybrids assessment for biological and economic features under drought conditions of Northern and Central Kazakhstan. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 850-863. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.20.
The presented study comprehensively assessed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) hybrid populations of F3–F5 generations, comparing with the standard barley cultivars, Karagaydinckiy-5 and Astana-2000. The crossing of isolated barley cultivars of the international collection (obtained from Australia) proceeded under intense continental climatic conditions of Northern and Central Kazakhstan. Barley promising selected populations, i.e., Macguarie × Arna, Flinders × Tselinniy golozerniy, and Flinders × Omskiy golozerniy, showed early maturity (79–83 days), superior plant height (34.4–69.5 cm), and enhanced 1000-grain weight (56.6 g, 56.4 g, and 58.0 g, respectively), and populations, viz., Buloke × Karagandinckiy-6, Fathom × Donezckiy-9, and Onslow × Karabalykckiy-43, for productivity (1 m2) at 184 g, 116.4 g, and 140.1 g, respectively. Identified in the study were the correlation of productivity and its structural elements, particularly the grain weight per ear (r = 0.486) and grain weight per plant (r = 0.828), mainly determining grain productivity. The determination of structural features variation showed a significant excess (more than 20%) with varying levels. The level of variability of grain mass per plant has shown in hybrid lines, i.e., Fathom × Karagandinckiy-5, Onslow × Karagandinckiy-10, Admiral × Karabalykckiy-150, and Admiral × Donezckiy-9. In grains, the protein content ranged from 10.45% to 16.63%, and the excess over the standard cultivar resulted in the hybrid lines Franklin × Sabir (16.63%), Anodolu-86 × Donezckiy-8 (16.04%), and Flinders × Omskiy golozerniy (15.31%). Based on an average of the study years, the drought-resistant and high-productivity hybrid lines were Buloke × Karagadinckiy-6, Fathom × Donezckiy-9, Onslow × Karabalykckiy-43, Onslow × (Karagandinckiy-5 × Аrna), Bass × Karabalykckiy-150, Granal × CMB93H-805-F-1Y-1M-OY-17TRS-OAP, and Granal × CMB89A-380-1M-OGH-105GH-1B-1OY-OAP-19AP-OAP. These promising genotypes can benefit the development of drought-resistant and high-yielding barley cultivars through future breeding programs under prevailing environmental conditions.
The study based on hybrid populations of world genetic resources of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under existing environmental conditions makes it possible to select and develop drought-resistant and high-yielding spring barley cultivars through the conventional breeding program and provide food security to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Citation: Pratama SN, Sudarsono, Ardie SW, Sukma D (2023). Identification and characterization of cassava mutant genotypes with high leaf mineral content at the MV10 generation. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 836- 849. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.19.
Cassava leaves’ consumption as vegetables are common in several Asian countries. They contain various nutrients, such as, anthocyanins, carotene, minerals, and vitamins. New varieties with high mineral contents in leaves need development to increase the leaves’ quality as vegetables. This study aimed to identify and characterize cassava genotypes of the MV10 generation resulting from gammaray-induced mutations based on the leaves’ morphology, growth characteristics, and mineral contents, using two cultivars and 10 cassava genotypes. All genotypes planted in a randomized complete block design had three replications. The leaf’s morphology and mineral contents underwent scrutiny on the third to fifth leaf below the apical shoot. The mineral content analysis used the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry method. Data analysis comprised the ANOVA test and descriptive analysis. This study revealed petiole length, leaf lobe length, and leaf lobe width were significantly different between genotypes at four months after planting (MAP). However, no meaningful difference showed for the plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves among genotypes. In general, the leaf morphology consisted of purplish green apical leaves with present pubescence; the shape of the central leaflet is lanceolate; the petiole color is reddish to greenish; leaves are dark green with five to seven leaf lobes; leaf veins are reddish-green; smooth lobe margins; and horizontal petiole orientation. The genotypes affect mineral contents, as the genotype with the highest Mg contents was G6-2-15-5-3, and the one with the highest Zn contents was G2D1-422. Fe contents showed more variations between genotypes, and no genotype showed consistently high Fe contents. This research produced promising genotypes for Mg or Zn contents in leaves for future cassava varieties for vegetable production.
This study nominated the potential mutant genotype with a high Mg content, G6-2-15-5-3, and a high Zn content, G2D1-422. Genotype G3D2-413 may have a higher Fe content that still needs further confirmation.
Citation: Baidalina S, Baidalin M, Khusainov A, Kazydub N, Baiken A (2023). Photosynthetic activity, productivity, and nutritional value of mowing and grazing phytocenoses depending on the species composition of grasses. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 825-835. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.18.
Studies of the photosynthetic activity of perennial grass mixtures allow for describing the peculiarities of the formation of perennial grass species forage productivity in the dry steppe zone. The study aimed to evaluate the cumulative effect of perennial cereal and legume grasses as part of complex grass mixtures on photosynthetic activity, productivity, and nutritional value of mowing and grazing phytocenoses. Adapting multicomponent grass created from various species of perennial grasses to the continental climate of the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan commenced, capable of resisting biotic and abiotic stresses due to biological characteristics and positively influencing other species in the phytocenoses. The study determined photosynthetic activity, the yield of green and dry masses, dry matter content, crude protein, metabolizable energy of natural pasture, single-species sowing of awnless brome, and multicomponent grass mixtures. The communal herbage obtained as a result of the study contained a large amount of crude protein (20.6%–24.7%), crude fat (2.0%–4.2%), crude fiber (18.0%–22.7%), crude ash (7.1%–7.7%), and nitrogen-free extractive substances (35.0%–44.1%). The results further enunciated that the perennial grass herbage in question had an average photosynthetic potential of 1,450,330 m2×day ha-1 in single-species awnless brome crops, while in grass mixtures the said potential was higher, ranging from 1,510,250 to 1,815,250 m2×day ha-1. The authors concluded that it was necessary to create mowing and grazing fields composed of productive and stable perennial grass mixtures on degraded pasture lands to increase available forage for farm animals and improve the system’s resistance to adverse conditions.
Perennial grasses and legumes, grass mixtures, pastures, hayfields, photosynthesis, green and dry yield, nutritional value, chemical composition
Multicomponent grass-and-legume concoctions of the first and second year of life ensure the formation of higher yields, the nutritional value of forage, and photosynthetic potential (PP) compared with single-species crops. Multicomponent grass mixtures with the participation of drought-, salt-, and frost-hardy crops (alfalfa, sainfoin, brome, wheatgrass) have high ecological adaptivity, grow and overwinter well, and have high viability, which allows for the successful use in improving old degraded hayfields and pastures.
Citation: Smirnova I, Sadanov A, Baimakhanova G, Faizulina E, Tatarkina L (2023). Using salt-tolerant rhizobia to improve the soybean (Glycine max) Resilience to salinity. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 810-824. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.17.
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is an economically important oilseed crop with an annual increase in growing grain demand. Soybean is a moderately salt-tolerant crop; however, salt stress conditions can affect its growth and yield-related traits and, eventually, reduce productivity. In saline soils, one of the techniques to increase soybean productivity is to use rhizobia inoculation. Although, using industrial rhizobia-based biofertilizers is often ineffective due to their lack of adaptability to salinity. Injecting soybeans with salt-tolerant and growth-promoting rhizobia helps mitigate the effects of salt stress harmful to crop plants. The recent study sought to isolate local strains of salt-tolerant rhizobia, studying its ability to increase soybean tolerance to salt stress conditions. Twenty-four local salt-tolerant rhizobium isolates underwent isolation from root nodules of soybean grown on saline soils. Studying their basic morphological and biochemical characteristics and ability to withstand salt stress led to the final selection of five salt-tolerant strains. The rhizobium strains were able to synthesize metabolites that stimulate growth and help reduce salt stress in plants. The study of rhizobia nodulation ability under saline conditions resulted in selecting the three most efficient strains from the Bradyrhizobium japonicum species. Inoculation of soybean seeds with salt-tolerant rhizobia proved to mitigate the adverse effects of salinity on plant growth by increasing the root size and the number of nodules in the roots. Thus, the study establishes that inoculation of soybean seeds with local salt-tolerant rhizobia enhances soybean tolerance to salt stress and improves crop growth and adaptation to soil salinity. Using isolated local strains of salt-tolerant rhizobia will help provide a key and environmentally friendly approach to solving the problem of salt stress for sustainable agriculture.
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), salt-tolerant rhizobia, inoculation, salt stress conditions, salt tolerance, growth and yield traits
Soybean inoculation with salt-tolerant rhizobia significantly reduced the salt stress effects on the plants. Substantial differences also showed between the variants with inoculation and the control (untreated). Inoculating leads to a considerable increase in root nodules, nitrogen fixation, plant growth, and stimulation of root development, which is proof of the ecological adaptation of soybean plants to soil salinity.
Citation: Thakur NK, Singh KP, Singh B, Shukla R, Khemraj, Haldar P (2023). Genetic diversity of different radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivars under the Bastar plateau of Chhattisgarh, India. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(3): 796-809. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.3.16.
The presented study, held at the Research cum Instructional Farm of the College of Horticulture and Research Station, Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh, India, ran during the Rabi season of 2021, to investigate superior radish cultivars for selection having high yield potential and better quality root for Bastar plateau. The experiment, laid out in randomized block design (RBD), had 15 treatments and three replications. Observing high genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation was for the following traits: dry and fresh weights of roots, plants, and leaves; root and leaf yields; days to 50% germination; the diameter and length of the root, North-South and East-West spread of the plant; plant height, and the number of leaf plant-1, having recorded significant heritability and high genetic advance. Similarly, high heritability showed for root yield and fresh and dry weights of roots. Moderate heritability levels appeared for the traits, viz., the plant’s dry weight and the root diameter. The genetic gain resulted high for characters, viz., root yield and fresh and dry weights of roots. High heritability followed by high genetic advance indicates that selection may be effective for improving such characteristics. Root yield (t ha-1) exhibited a highly significant positive correlation with the fresh weight of the plant at the phenotypic and genotypic levels, followed by dry weight of roots, dry weight of the plant, East-West spread of the plant, the diameter of the root, and leaf yield plot-1. The fresh weight of roots had the maximum positive direct effect on root yield in the genotypic path, followed by the dry weight of roots and the plant, the East-West spread of the plant, the diameter of the root, and leaf yield in radish. The selection of these characters can benefit in improving the yield of radishes.
radish, path coefficient, root yield, genotypic, phenotypic and correlation
The results indicated that a genetic variation of Raphanus sativus L. can further serve the species’ conservation, characterization, and usefulness for future breeding purposes. Cultivars exhibiting higher yield potential and desirable qualities may undergo testing in different agro-climatic locations.