Citation: Romadhon MR, Sobir, Suwarno WB, Miftahorrachman, Matra DD (2024). Stability analysis of fruit weight and seed weight over years on fourteen Indonesian local areca nut accessions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(2): 493-504. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.2.4
Evaluating the stability of local areca nut accession across seasons and years is vital to understanding the production trend and potential. Genotypes with stability across seasons and years indicate their adaptability to different climates, pests, and disease attacks over time. This study aimed to evaluate the fruit and seed weights of 14 Indonesian local areca nut accessions to elucidate the G × E effect on these traits. The research transpired at the Kayuwatu Experimental Station, Palm Research Institute, Manado, North Sulawesi Province, from January 2017 to December 2021. The genetic materials were 14 accessions of areca nut, along with two earlier released local varieties (Emas Areca nut and Betara Areca nut). The experiment ran for five years in one location. The research showed that the G × E interaction significantly affected the fruit and seed weights. The Malinow 1 genotype had the heaviest fruit weight of 57.46 g, and the Betara genotype had a seed weight of 20.06 g. According to a parametric assessment, stable accessions were Betara, Galangsuka, Pinangwangi, SK1, and Malinow 1, and they had above-average fruit and seed weights. This study revealed different stability profiles among areca nut accessions, substantiating the importance of the G × E effect on yield.
This study identified stable areca nut accessions over the years based on fruit and seed weight characteristics, viz., Malinow 1, Galangsuka, Betara, SK1, SK2, and Pinangwangi.
Citation: Amzeri A, Suhartono, Fatimah S, Pawana G, Sukma KPW (2024). Combining ability analysis in maize diallel hybrid. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(2): 476-492. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.2.3
The latest study strategized to evaluate the maize populations by combining ability analysis under optimum and drought-stress environments to assemble the promising parental inbred lines and their hybrid populations with high productivity and resistance to drought stress. From the collection of the Trunojoyo Madura University, Indonesia, came five maize pure lines (UTM 2, UTM 7, UTM 10, UTM 19, and UTM 31) that received crossing in a complete diallel fashion to obtain 20 hybrid populations. The performance of five parental inbred lines and their 20 F1 hybrids’ evaluation in crop season 2021 had a randomized complete block design with three replications under four each for optimum and drought-stress environmental conditions. Data recording ensued on grain yield and drought susceptibility index (DSI). The GCA and SCA variances revealed that grain yield had more influences from the dominant genes with maternal effects at the eight locations; hence, the parental lines have less stimulus on the hybrids’ performance. The genotype UTM2 (G1) appeared resistant to drought-stress conditions based on the DSI value (0.70) and has positive GCA effects for grain yield. Therefore, it can better serve to improve drought resistance and grain yield. The results further exhibited that six maize hybrids, i.e., G3 (UTM 2 × UTM 10), G6 (UTM 7 × UTM 2), G10 (UTM 7 × UTM 31), G11 (UTM 10 × UTM 2), G22 (UTM 31 × UTM 10), and G24 (UTM 31 × UTM 19) were remarkable as commercial hybrids with high grain yield and resistance to drought stress.
The maize inbred line UTM2 was potentially resistant to drought stress conditions with a DSI of 0.70, and it also gave positive GCA effects for grain yield; thus, it can be functional to assemble maize hybrids with high productivity and resistance to drought stress. Six maize hybrids G3 (UTM 2 × UTM 10), G6 (UTM 7 × UTM 2), G10 (UTM 7 × UTM 31), G11 (UTM 10 × UTM 2), G22 (UTM 31 × UTM 10), and G24 (UTM 31 × UTM 19) emerged highly recommendable as commercial hybrids with high productivity and resistance to drought stress conditions.
Citation: Tetyannikov NV, Bome NA, Bazyuk DA (2024). Yield stability analysis of barley mutants using parametric and nonparametric statistics. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(2): 463-475. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.2.2.
Yield stability analysis is important in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding to produce the highest and most stable yields. This study used parametric and nonparametric statistical methods to assess the barley genotypes’ stability. It aimed to assess the 40 barley mutants belonging to the subspecies of two-rowed and six-rowed barley obtained after mutagenic treatment with phosphemide in two concentrations. The study transpired in 2020–2022 in Russia’s South Moscow and Tyumen regions. The results revealed that environment (46.6%), genotypes (9.1%), and the interaction of environment by study location (26.2%) and genotype by environment (9.5%) contributed the most to grain yield in barley. The highest correlation appeared among the variables. i.e., Wᵢ² и σ²ᵢ, 𝜃ᵢ, S²dᵢ; 𝜃ᵢ и σ²ᵢ, S²dᵢ; NP(4) и S(3), S(6); S(1) и S(2); S(2) и S(3); KR; NP(2) и NP(3) (r = 0.80-1.00); 𝜃(i) и Wᵢ², σ²ᵢ, S²dᵢ; and 𝜃ᵢ и 𝜃(i) ( r = – 0.92-1.00). Higher correlation with grain yield emerged with bi (r = 0.52); S(6) (r = – 0.77); NP(2) (r = – 0.78); NP(3) (r = – 0.79); NP(4) (r = – 0.78); and KR (r = – 0.65). The most stable yields characterized by six-rowed mutants are G20, G22, and G28, derived from the hooded cultivar. The mutants G1, G2, and G40, belonging to the two-rowed barley subspecies, had the highest grain yield potential with less stability.
Two-rowed and six-rowed barley, Hordeum vulgare L., phosphemide concentrations, chemical mutagenesis, genotype by environment interaction, stability parameters, correlation, grain yield
The article discussed the results of yield and stability analyses in two-rowed and six-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants of M5-M7 generations in different ecological areas using parametric and nonparametric statistical methods.
Citation: Osadchuk MA, Osadchuk AM, Trushin MV (2024). The history of plant breeding in the Russian Federation. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(2): 453-462. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.2.1
The beginning of organized breeding work in Russia concretized at the end of the 19th century in two capitals of the Russian Empire: in 1877 at St. Petersburg and in 1881 in Moscow, where seed quality control stations first opened. The stations’ work transfer to scientific-based functions commenced in the first half of the 20th century by N.I. Vavilov. Under his leadership, the People’s Commissariat of Agriculture of the RSFSR organized an extensive network of 115 breeding and experimental stations. The 20 to 30 years of the 20th century displayed epoch-making discoveries by Russian scientists in the field of genetics. In 1920, N.I. Vavilov discovered and formulated the law of homological series in hereditary variability. In 1925, pioneering worldwide, Russian scientists, under the influence of ionizing radiation, received mutations in yeast fungi. During the same years, S.S. Chetverikov and his students laid the foundation for evolutionary genetics, which became an impetus for developing the modern genetic breeding theory. Later, in the 1930s of the 20th century, A.A. Serebrovsky and N.P. Dubinin proved the divisibility of the gene and substantiated the theory of its complex structure. Based on this discovery, geneticists globally, studying the patterns of inheritance and variability, have discovered and continue to uncover new breeding means.
Russian Federation, selection, breeding, Vavilov
At present, recognizing that breeding and seed production in Russia today are in a challenging state against the background of a rapidly growing market of seeds of foreign selection is urgent. It should be a consideration since realizing the biological potential of the variety is the main factor in increasing production volumes, improving product quality, and reducing its cost. As a result, in addition to economic attractiveness, it guarantees the country’s food independence.
Citation: Khan SH, Aslam M, Bibi A, Khan HZ (2023). GGE biplot analysis for zinc quality and yield stability of exotic maize hybrids. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 55(1): 268-278. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2023.55.1.25.
Zinc deficiency is one of the major causes of malnutrition in the communities due to the consumption of zinc-deficient staple food. With accessibility and affordability, biofortification is an agricultural intervention beneficial for all the stakeholders involved as any actor. A total of 16 exotic zinc biofortified maize hybrids developed at different maize research stations of CIMMYT got introduced and evaluated across three separate locations in major maize growing areas of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), i.e., Faisalabad, Sahiwal, and Nowshera. The decision to introduce exotic zinc-enriched maize germplasm in Pakistan, in collaboration with CIMMYT, Mexico, came from the findings of a related research work—evaluation of diverse indigenous maize germplasm; however, none of the entry qualified for suggested biofortification standard, i.e., 33 mg/kg zinc. Introducing exotic material depends upon its yield stability in the new environment. Therefore, stability analysis is mandatory. Using genotype and genotype into environment (GGE) biplot analysis found the GEI (genotype × environment interaction). Exotic hybrids G16, G4, and G1 performed superior and stable in test environments for studied traits, especially for average grain yield per plant and grain zinc content. These three hybrids gained strong\ recommendations for introduction in Pakistan.
Key findings: All tested environments differently influenced NGPR, ASI, and GY forming three mega-environments. Exotic zinc biofortified hybrids G16, G4, and G1 were stable and best performing for studied traits, especially average grain yield per plant and grain zinc content across locations. Abbreviations: PH: plant height (cm), EH: ear height (cm), DT: days to tasseling, DS: days to silking, ASI: anthesis silking interval, EL: Ear length (cm), NRPC: number of rows per cob, NGPR: number of grains per rows, GY: average grain yield per plant (g), TGW: thousand grain weight (g), Zn: grain zinc content (mg/kg), and FW: Field weight (g). PC= Principal Component, ZmZIP = Zea mays Zinc regulated transporter, iron regulated transporter-like protein, ZmNAS5 = Zea mays Nicotianamine Synthase, and CIMMYT: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.
Citation: Al-Hadedy SHA, Basheer SA, Idrees MS, Al-Taee KAY (2024). Sulfuric acid and hot water treatment effects on the seed germination and growth traits of Sesbania punicea L.. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 444-452 http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.40.
Like many species within the Fabaceae family, Sesbania punicea L. seeds experience seed coat dormancy, affecting their germination from a hard shell coating the seed, preventing water absorption and gaseous exchange into the seeds. The presented research sought to overcome the outer dormancy phase in Sesbania punicea seeds by treating them with two concentrations of sulfuric acid (50% and 98% H2SO4) for periods of 0, 10, and 15 minutes and soaking in hot water (without, with) for 24 hours. The results revealed that seed pretreatment of immersion in sulfuric acid at a 98% concentration was significantly superior to the 50% and showed the highest mean values for the studied parameters, germination percentage, seedling height, stem diameter, leaves per seedling, and shoots dry weight at 78.33%, 61.61 cm, 5.79 mm, 31.27 leaves/seedling, and 7.32 g, respectively. In the same line, the immersion in sulfuric acid for 15 minutes was superior compared with 10 minutes, providing the highest values for the same traits at 87.04%, 64.08 cm, 6.16 mm, 32.08 leaves/seedling, and 8.12 g, respectively. The hot water treatment was notably dominant to the one without soaking and exhibited the maximum values for the above traits (78.55%, 59.83 cm, 5.94 mm, 31.05 leaves/seedlings, and 7.32 g, respectively). The interaction effects of three factors (immersion in 98% sulfuric acid for 15 minutes and soaking in hot water) excelled other treatments for the traits, i.e., germination rate (99.30%), seedling height (71.00 cm), main stem diameter (7.28 mm), leaves/seedling (36.66), and shoot’s dry weight (11.42 g). The most remarkable achievement was that chemical scarification using sulfuric acid and hot water, either individually or in combination, proved effective in breaking the seed dormancy of Sesbania punicea.
For better germination and early growth of Sesbania punicea L. seedlings, the combination of seed immersion in 98% sulfuric acid for 15 minutes and soaking in hot water for 24 hours proved recommendable since it leads to an increase in the germination percentage from 36.9% to 99.3%, enhancing the growth parameters.
Citation: Mahdi MAHS, Al-Shamerry MMG, Taha AH, Alwan MH, Al-Khaykanee AH, Khashan AAA (2024). Micronutrients and planting time effects on maize growth, fertility, and yield-related traits under heat stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 433-443. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.39.
The recent study pursued determining the ideal quantity of micronutrients and planting time to enhance maize (Zea mays L.) pollen fertility and production under heat-stress conditions. The study set up a maize experiment in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split-plot arrangement and three replications, carried out in the crop season 2020 at the Babylon Muradia Research Center, Iraq. The trials comprised two factors: first, planting times placed in main plots, i.e., June 25 (A1), July 10 (A2), and July 25 (A3), and the second included foliar applications of a composition of six microelements (iron, manganese, zinc, boron, copper, and molybdenum) with four concentrations, i.e., 0 (C0), 20 (C1), 30 (C2), and 40 (C3) g L-1. The results indicated that maize planting at later dates, specifically between July 10 and 25, resulted in the maximum levels of moisture, pollen vitality, and fertility percentage, which led to an increase in yield components and grain output. The findings also demonstrated that foliar application of micronutrients effectively creates a conducive environment for developing pollen grains. The micronutrient concentration of 40 g L-1 gave the optimal moisture and vitality of the pollen grains, leading to the highest quantity of grains per row and, ultimately, maximizing the maize yield. The July 10 planting date proved the ideal time for seeding maize because it contributed to reducing temperatures’ effects and increasing productivity. In addition, foliar application of micronutrients (40 g L-1) creates an optimal environment for pollen grains, improving grain composition and yield. With the pollen grain’s better vitality, the favorable situation improves pollination and fertilization, eventually increasing the maize yield.
Maize (Zea mays L.) planting time between July 10 and 25, along with foliar application of micronutrients (40 g L-1), optimized and promoted pollen grains’ moisture, growth, vitality, and fertility percentage, which eventually boosted the yield traits’ components and grain yield.
Citation: Al-Yasssiry AS, Aljenaby HKA, Al-Masoody IH, Al-Ibrahemi N (2024). Biofertilizers effects on the active compounds of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 425-432. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.38.
The progressive study aimed to determine the effects of biofertilizers (Azotobacter and Pseudomonas) on active chemical compounds of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), carried out in 2023 at the Afghan City, Kerbala, Iraq. The experiment set out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a factorial arrangement and three replications. The study comprised two factors: the first was Azotobacter (control, 50, 100, 150 g/bacteria), and the second factor was Pseudomonas (control, 50, 100, 150 g/bacteria). Both biofertilizers attained mixing with seeds before planting. Results revealed significant differences among the various concentrations of Azotobacter and Pseudomonas and their interactions. Azotobacter and Pseudomonas treatment with same dilution (150 g bacteria-1) provided the highest mean values for active chemical compounds in the essential oil, i.e., camphor (3.70 and 4.56 mg g-1), linalool (24.83 and 24.90 mg g-1), pinene (1.09 and 1.38 mg g-1), myrcene (13.64 and 12.84 mg g-1), and limonene (18.16 and 17.76 mg g-1), respectively.
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, active compounds
Biofertilizers (Azotobacter and Pseudomonas) and their interactions enunciated considerable differences for active chemical compounds. Azotobacter and Pseudomonas with same concentration (150 g/bacteria) produced the highest mean values in the essential of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) for camphor (3.70 and 4.56 mg g-1), linalool (24.83 and 24.90 mg g-1), pinene (1.09 and 1.38 mg g-1), myrcene (13.64 and 12.84 mg g-1), and limonene (18.16 and 17.76 mg g-1), respectively.
Citation: Hamza Sh.M (2024). Kinetin effects on the physiological traits of spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) using foliar and seed soaking approaches under salinity stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 412-424. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.37.
Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) has several known names, such as garden mint, common mint, lamb mint, and mackerel mint. Salinity is considerably one of the most vital causes negatively affecting plant life, reducing productivity. Kinetin, a cytokinin-like synthetic plant hormone, can promote plant growth against salinity. The potential research sought to study seeds soaking and foliar application of kinetin to mitigate harmful salinity effects, which cause chemo-physiological variations in spearmint due to increased salinity in the irrigation water. In the experiment, two salt concentrations (2.3 dS m-1 and 6.2 dS m-1) helped develop the salinity environment, with kinetin (5 mg/L) used for seeds’ soaking for four hours and as an exogenous treatment by foliar spraying of the spearmint seedlings. The results revealed an increased electron leakage percentage (ELP) related to a rise in salinity elements (Na+ and Cl–) at 6.2 dS m-1 in both groups with reducing K+ levels. Likewise, a reduction was prominent in salinity elements with an enhancement in K+ level with foliar application than the seeds soaked with kinetin. Increased proline content, H2O2, MDA, and an increase in antioxidant activity of CAT and SOD were evident in salinity treatment, which declined by treating with kinetin (5 mg L-1) foliar application. The results proved that kinetin foliar spraying is the best in supporting Mentha spicata L. plant versus kinetin seeds soaking against the adverse effects of salinity.
Using kinetin with foliar spray was superior to soaking seeds with it to promote Mentha spicata L. plants for reducing salt elements Na+, Cl–, MDA, ELP, and proline content with increased K+ content and antioxidant active.
Citation: Hussein HT, Radhi IM, Hasan MM (2024). Role of abscisic acid and potassium in broad bean growth under water stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(1): 399-411. http://doi.org/10.54910/sabrao2024.56.1.36.
The experiment happened at Al-Mussaib Technical College, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, to know the effect of ABA acid and potassium on the growth of broad bean (Vicia faba L) plants under water stress conditions (0 and 1000 mg k-1) while the third factor was an ABA acid at the concentration of 0.2 mM. The results were as follows: All studied traits decreased under conditions of water stress (plant height, leaf number, leaf area, total soluble carbohydrates [TSC], activity of superoxide dismutase [SOD], and catalase of broad beans) with recorded values of 41 cm, 5.67 leaf plant-1, 60.57 cm2, 11.82 (mg g-1 DW), 155.01 units mg-1 protein min-1, and 138.59 mg-1 protein min-1, respectively. The obtained triple interaction treatment was also at 25 ds m-1 + 1000 mg l-1 + 0 ABA, giving the highest values for all studied traits. ABA and potassium apart and together boosted proline, TSC, SOD, and CAT, raising plant height, leaf number, and area. The combined treatment improved plant growth and antioxidant systems, reducing the suppressive effect of water deprivation. ABA and potassium-treated plants showed greater TSC.
The results revealed applying ABA, potassium, and their interaction improved all growth traits by increasing proline content, total soluble carbohydrates, CAT, and SOD. The findings of this study indicated that ABA and potassium together assisted the plant in regaining the altered physiological features caused by water stress.