How to publish your journal article to SABRAO Journal

How to publish your journal article to SABRAO Journal

To submit article The Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) , authors should read this document carefully prior to manuscript submission.  Articles submitted to Journal of Breeding and Genetics must be original reports of merit dealing with any aspect of plant breeding or genetics not previously or simultaneously submitted to, or published in, any other scientific or technical journal.

Submit directly to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Naqib Khan, by email: nukmarwat(at)

General enquiries: sabrao_journal_editor(at)


SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics
ISSN 1029-7073; eISSN 2224-8978
Version date: December 2020


Articles submitted to the SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics must be original reports of merit dealing with any aspect of plant breeding or genetics not previously or simultaneously submitted to, or published in, any other scientific or technical journal.

Articles should be submitted directly to the Editor-in-Chief (Prof. Dr. Naqib Khan) by email: nukmarwat(at)

General enquiries: sabrao_journal_editor(at)

Authors should indicate ‘SABRAO manuscript submission’ in the SUBJECT heading.
Processing of manuscripts is only initiated after terms and conditions have been accepted:

1. Publication fee will be paid after the article proof has been finalized,
2. English editing fees will be paid if required,
3. That the manuscript is not currently being reviewed by another journal,
4. All authors have agreed to submit the article to SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics,
5. Copyright is assigned to SABRAO,
6. Potential and responsive reviewers are nominated.


The journal mainly publishes articles for SABRAO members and it is preferred (but not mandatory) that at least one author should be a current member of the society. Preference is given to current members.

Please note that there is a publication fee FOR ALL ARTICLES – including SABRAO members – which must be paid after publication of the article. This requirement is to cover journal processing costs and to maintain the website. Payment can be made to the Regional Secretary in local currency equivalent, or by contacting the Editor-in-Chief.

In 2021 and onward, the fee structure is as follows:

CategoryAmount (USD)
SABRAO Member*US$ 150
Non-memberUS$ 200
*at least one author should be a “Life” SABRAO member

The official language of the Journal is English. Manuscripts may be written using British or US English provided the style is consistent throughout the article. Authors are requested to ensure that a high standard of English and use professional editing services if necessary.

At first submission of the manuscript, if the standard of English is not satisfactory, SABRAO will use its own editing service before sending for review, and will charge a minimum mandatory fee of USD 200.This additional fee is required because manuscripts are sent to external English editing services.

Authors certainly have the right to choose their own English editing services. If the English requires improvement after review, evidence is required that the authors have used a professional English editing service.

The philosophy of the journal is that publication fees will be kept minimal in order to ensure publication is available to scientists in developing countries. Therefore journal publication fees are reviewed annually.


In order to speed up the reviewing process, authors should nominate up to five potential and responsive reviewers for the article (with complete name, address, and official e-mail address) and reviewers must not be from authors Institution, but from other institutions (inland or abroad). The senior and corresponding author should also not have published the research manuscripts with these reviewers within the last three years.

AFTER the above terms and conditions have been accepted, each manuscript will be assigned a 4 or 5 digit manuscript number (e.g. SABRAO MS20-06) usually within seven days. Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief if they do not receive a manuscript number after this time. The corresponding author should clearly indicate by email that the terms and conditions have been accepted.


The following types of articles are acceptable to the SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics:
• Research articles (describing research that expands the existing knowledge in a specific area)
• Short communications (concise articles describing preliminary findings)
• Reviews or mini-reviews (thorough review of literature with interpretations)
• Commentaries (opinions or personal reflections)
• Tutorials (clear descriptions of topics to communicate specific research topics to a broad audience)

Topics for review, commentary or tutorial articles should be discussed with a member of the Editorial Board prior to submissions.


Authors should follow the journal format as closely as possible with respect to headings, formatting and references. The corresponding author’s email addresses should be included on the manuscript. After acceptance of the article, it is expected that the corresponding author will re-submit the manuscript following the SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. template format, which is available from the Editorial Board or from the website.

Parts of a research article

Usually, a full-length paper contains the following parts:

1. TITLE – as concise and descriptive as possible, usually less than 20 words long. Include the scientific names of the species studied if one or two are involved.

2. AUTHOR’S NAMES – each followed by a superscript number referring to the respective addresses of the author(s). The current email addresses should be indicated for the corresponding author and all co-authors.

3. SUMMARY – should be completely self-explanatory and should be about 250 to 300 words. The purpose, methods, major findings, and at least one conclusion of the study should be included. The summary should clearly state the benefits of the study to plant breeders or geneticists.

4. KEYWORDS – Six to eight keywords allowing the subject to be classified in databases. The words may occur in the title, and may occur in pairs, e.g., acid soils.

5. KEY FINDINGS – short statement (1-3 sentences) highlighting the key take-home messages or benefits of the research to breeders or crop scientists.

6. INTRODUCTION – should briefly describe the subject area, with a summary of previous reports, including citations of the most significant ones. Point out the deficiencies in knowledge left by previous studies, then state which experiments have been designed and conducted to add new knowledge.

7. MATERIALS AND METHODS – describe the origin and nature of the materials used. Procedures used, experimental design, and methods of data analysis should be presented. This section can be concise citing appropriate references instead of lengthy descriptions of methods used. Statistical software packages used for data analysis (indicating the version and software distributor) should be indicated in this section

8. RESULTS – present the key parts of the experimental data, referring to figures and tables as necessary. Do not repeat information in the text if it is shown in a table or figure. Use only the metric system of measurements. Place figures and tables on separate pages at the end of the paper, giving captions for figures and headings for tables which make them self-explanatory.

9. DISCUSSION – should be separate from the Results section, and should not repeat information already presented elsewhere. It should start with a sentence or two stating the main new findings of the research. This section should also include comparisons made with the results and inferences of previous, related studies. Criticisms of earlier studies are appropriate if they clarify the field. The remaining gaps in knowledge may be briefly pointed out, with or without an outline of future experiments which may provide some of the answers.

10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – should be included as a courtesy if they are due to any person or organization, especially funding sources.

11. REFERENCES – examples of text citations are: (Yoshida, 1996); Smith and Jones (1993); (Lucas et al., 1997). In the References section, the citations should be arranged alphabetically by first author, then by second and later authors, and then by year. The references should be given in the format shown below. Note that the author’s surname (or family name) should always be indicated first followed by initials with no full-stops or periods. Abbreviations should follow standard abbreviations described by ISI Thomson Reuters

Journal articles:
Author name initials (Year). Title of article. Journal name. Vol: pages.


Collard BCY, Redona Ed, Khan NU (2018). Advancing breeding and genetics research in Asia and Oceania for 50 years through SABRAO. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 50(1): 1-8.

Eberhart SA, Russell WA (1966). Stability parameters for comparing varieties. Crop Sci. 6: 36–40.

Books and book chapters
Yoshida M, Smith AB, Jones D B (1989). Title of chapter. In: A. Lucas. B. Mason, and C. Baker, eds., Title of Book. Publisher, City.

Falconer DS, Mackay TFC (1996). Introduction to quantitative genetics (4th ed.). Pearson.

Khan NU (2013). F1 Hybrid. In: Stanley Maloy and Kelly Hughes, editors. Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics. 2nd edition, Vol. 3. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 2–4.

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