The presented study determined the effect of biofertilizers on the growth and production of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars conducted during the autumn season of 2020–2021 at the Al-Mahaweel area, Babylon Governorate, Iraq. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design with two factors and three replicates. The first factor was the three broad bean cultivars—local, Turkish, and Spanish—while the second was four biofertilizer levels(control, Bacillus mucilaginous, and mycorrhizal fungi). The results showed the Spanish cultivar significantly excelled over other cultivars in yield-related traits, pods per plant (16.82), seeds per pod (6.11), seed yield (5,884.29 kg ha-1), and biological yield (12,599.05 kg ha-1). The mycorrhizal fungi biofertilizer treatment remarkably excelled for all treatments, i.e., pods per plant (17.84), seeds per pod (6.98), seed yield (5,874.11 kg ha-1), and biological yield (14,495.79 kg ha-1). Meanwhile, the interaction treatment (Spanish cultivar + mycorrhiza fungi) superbly shone and gave the highest rate for most studied traits.
Broad bean (Vicia faba L.), cultivars, biofertilizer, mycorrhizal, yield-related traits
Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivar Spanish and mycorrhiza, individually and in combination, significantly showed better performance for most studied traits.