The revision of taxonomic information of genus Eragrostis Wolf in Iraq was this work’s aim, based on the literature and herbarium collections, such as BAG, BUE, BUH, BUNH, MOS, and SUH, as well as, field survey. Sixteen species enumerated had their spikelets and seed phenological characteristics, such as length, width, color, and shape, examined to isolate species. A taxonomic revision of the genus Eragrostis with an artificial key to species with phenology, national, and distribution data for all taxa, specimens examined, and photographs were available for easy identification. The results showed the species E. mossullensis has the longest spikelet uniqueness, E. cilianensis with a large width, and isolated species E. tremula identified with yellowish-brown to pink spikelets. The species E. mossullensis was superior with 38 seeds. The species E. ciliate was distinct with hairs. Notably, the present results, species E. aspera (Jacq.) Nees, E. atrovirens (Desf.) Trin. Ex Steud, E. basedowii Jedwabne, E. ciliate (Roxb.) Nees, E. poaeoides P.Beauv., Ess.Agrost., E. tenuifolia (A. Rich.) Hochst.ex Steud., E. tremula Hochst.ex Steud., and E. unioloides (Retz.) Nees ex Steud., were not endemic. However, it is the first time for these reports to exist in Iraq.
Eragrostis, Iraq monocot, seed Poaceae, spikelet, taxonomy
Taxonomic revision of the genus Eragrostis’ spikelets and seeds occurred, wildly grown in Iraq. Based on the morphological and taxonomic traits, 16 different species attained enumeration with varied morphological characters.