The presented study sought to determine the effects of the growth regulator paclobutrazol (0, 50, 100, and 150 mg L-1) on two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Ibaa-99 and Bhoth-22, carried out at the University of Basrah, Iraq. The experiment layout had a randomized complete block design with two factors and three replications. The results showed the cultivar Ibaa-99 was superior in plant height and days from 50% flowering to full maturity, with average values of 88.08 cm and 40.88 day, respectively. The cultivar Bhoth-22 was superior in chlorophyll content, number of tillers, days of planting up to 50% flowering, and flag leaf area. Their averages were 460 mg m-2, 576.33 tiller m-2, 103.85 days, and 39.76 cm2, respectively. Foliar coefficients of the growth regulator paclobutrazol showed significant differences. The highest concentration of Paclobutrazol (150 mg L-1) revealed the topmost average number of days from 50% flowering to full maturity (45.65 day), while the Paclobutrazol at 100 mg L-1 had the maximum average chlorophyll content, flag leaf area, and tillers per plant in wheat.
Wheat (T. aestivum L.), cultivars, paclobutrazol, earliness and yield traits, chlorophyll content
The wheat (T. aestivum L.) cultivar Bhoth-22 proved leading in chlorophyll content, tillers per plant, days to 50% flowering, and flag leaf area. For the traits plant height and days from 50% flowering to full maturity, the cultivar Ibaa-99 was superior to the cultivar Bhoth-22. Paclobutrazol (100 mg L-1) foliar application was superior in most characteristics under study. Interaction of cultivar Bhoth-22 with Paclobutrazol (100 mg L-1) gave the highest averages for leaf chlorophyll content, flag leaf area, and tillers per square meter.