The timely research comprises analyses of chlorophyll content and morphological and yield-related traits and their mutual association in the 29 rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes (26 exotic and three local) under field conditions of Uzbekistan. Cluster analysis revealed the correlation of physiological, morphological, and yield-related traits in rice cultivars. Exotic genotypes, Aya, Goun, Haepyeong, IR- 50404, Junomjosoeng, Polizesti-28, WAB 880 138 2017, Vietnam-1, Vietnam-2517, and Guru, recorded with low levels of association between chlorophyll content and morpho-yield traits. However, the chlorophyll content of four other exotic rice genotypes, DD2, Vikant, IR-86, and WAB WARDA, emerged with the highest relationship with morpho-yield traits. Foreign cultivars, Dongjin, Kuraj, Novator, Diamong, Osmancik-97, Sonet, and local Nukus-2, were notable with above-average values of chlorophyll content and morpho-yield traits. Cultivars DD2, Vikont, IR-86, and WAB WARDA owned the highest levels of chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoids. Exotic rice cultivars, Chongwang, CNC11, IR-124, WAB 450 113 462, Vietnam-2, Vietnam-3, and local Iskandar and Lazurniy, appeared with a good index for plant height, spike length, grains per spike, and grain weight per spike.
Rice, Oryza sativa L., cultivars, morpho-yield, physiological traits, chlorophyll, carotenoids, correlation
Exotic rice (O. sativa L.) cultivars, Dongjin, Kuraj, Novator, Diamant, Osmancik-97, and Sonet, and local Nukus-2 emerged to be positive donors for initial selection for chlorophyll content and morpho-yield traits.