The domestic liquid bioorganic fertilizer, ‘BioEcoGum,’ which led to improved germination, also positively affected the growth and yield of cereals. The study sought to determine the influence of the domestic bioorganic fertilizer ‘BioEcoGum’ on the growth, development, and yield of the ‘Porumben’ corn (Zea mays L.) in southeast Kazakhstan. Processing of corn seeds with the bioorganic fertilizer ‘BioEcoGum’ activated and increased seed germination by accelerating biochemical functions, enhancing immunity and stress resistance (10%–20%), and improving foliar feeding for growth, development, and increase of grain yield by 50%–70%. In the Porumben 456 and 461 corn hybrids, the accumulation of root biomass during seed processing and double leaf emergence increased to 5.93 t/ha compared with the control production, recorded at 3.96 t/ha (without ‘BioEcoGum’), with a difference of 19.7 kg/ha (50%). Based on the presented results, the bioorganic fertilizer ‘BioEcoGum’ requires promotion for widespread use in corn cultivation in the southern regions of Kazakhstan.
Corn (Zea mays L.), biohumus application, agriculture, soils, productivity, light chestnut soil
‘BioEcoGum’ fertilizer positively affected the growth, development, and productivity of the corn crop. Corn seed treatment also enhanced stress resistance and seed germination, improving the growth, development, and intensification of the grain yield (25% to 62%) with foliar application.