Increased consumption of edamame soybean (Glycine max L.) needs supplementation by production boosts through crop area and productivity expansion utilizing high-yielding varieties. This research aimed to identify the genetic diversity of germplasm soybeans. This research transpired in Leuwikopo Experimental Farm, IPB University, using a single-factor randomized complete block design with three replications. This research evaluated 28 soybean genotypes consisting of edamame and grain soybean. The results showed a diversity in morphological characters at a value of 84.62% dissimilarity level with two main groups. The edamame soybean genotype, G.AGS 439 x L Tegal-1, and grain soybean Dega-1 gave the highest weight of pods (79.677 g and 75.596 g, respectively) and the best agronomic characters, making them potential parents in crosses for yield improvement. BioMax-1 and Grobogan genotypes could serve for quality improvement with high sugar, protein, and low-fat contents.
Dissimilarity, edamame, nutritional analysis, quality
This study provided a high genetic variation in the soybean’s morphological, agronomic, and nutritional properties. It nominated the potential genotypes of edamame soybean (Glycine max L.) with a high fresh pod weight, namely, G.AGS 439 x L Tegal-1 and Dega-1 as grain soybean, and the genotype of BioMAX 1 and Grobogan has favorable nutritional properties.